how to support survivors in the workplace
In the instance that an employee or colleague is exhibiting the warning signs of domestic violence or coercive control, how you approach them and extend support is crucial. Here are some dos and don’ts to help you navigate this sensitive interaction.
1. Let the person know you are open and available to talk “off the record” if they ever have something they want to share.
2. Create a work culture that promotes a healthy work-life balance that includes caring about colleagues and what they are going through.
3. Directly share that the environment is against control and abuse and supportive of nurturing healthy relationships both in the workplace culture and at home.
4. Do offer a listening ear without giving feedback.
5. Do let them know their choices are always theirs to make.
6. Don’t tell them what to do or not do.
7. Don't assume any one situation is the same as someone else's.
8. Never share anyone's personal information.
9. Don’t try to interact with the abuser to help the situation.