helping survivors navigate the legal system
Underground Moves never pressures a survivor to leave their abuser or seek legal recourse. However, if they make that decision, we’re there to provide them with a court advocate who can provide direct guidance within the legal system. Survivors are often overwhelmed by the circumstances and flooded with a myriad of decisions. Having access to inside counsel can steer them towards their goals in alignment with their safety plan.
help filing a PFA order
In some jurisdictions, a protection from abuse order (PFA) is referred to as a restraining order. Filing a PFA order asks the court to issue protection for survivors from their abusers. In many cases, it requires the abuser to cease contact, stay a certain distance from the survivor, restrict possession of firearms, and alter custody or visitation agreements.
Pursuing this step can be challenging for a survivor being monitored by their abuser. The court advocate can file a PFA on behalf of the survivor, allowing the process to begin without the abuser’s knowledge.
safe, secure delivery & access
Whether the user wants to leave their partner, stay in their relationship, or recover after leaving, Underground Moves serves survivors wherever they are in their journey. The Underground Moves user can access their court advocate and PFA order in person or virtually. Delivery is always discreet and secure to ensure the safety of users.
court advocacy & PFA order filing
Curated by survivors, for survivors, Underground Moves provides survivors court advocates who can file PFA orders, as well as other essential services designed to illuminate and transcend the darkest of journeys.
direct survivor solutions
Unchecked domestic violence has a heavy human, social, economic, and workplace cost. Let Underground Moves simplify this complex topic through training, education, and the delivery of a secure platform where survivors can access legal help to file a PFA order and more services.
beyond court advocacy and PFA order filing
The Underground Moves team is comprised of survivors who identified that the workplace presented a unique opportunity to save lives and help organizations facilitate safer, more productive environments. Learn more about our credentials and mission.