discreet domestic violence support groups
Access to peer support has been shown to improve mental well-being, build emotional resilience, and reduce the likelihood of re-victimization. With these benefits in mind, UM users are matched with a former survivor who can recount their story and relate to the day-to-day challenges of controlling and abusive dynamics. Sharing a collective experience allows Underground Moves users to feel seen and understood. The support of a surviving and thriving peer allows them to reframe their journey in a new and hopeful way.
peer support⼁solving survival
Abusive partners use isolation tactics for several reasons: being cut off from friends and family reduces the chances of disclosure, censors resources, and ensures dependence on the abuser. Most importantly, it prevents outside perspectives from influencing the mindset of their victims; there’s no one to point out dysfunctional behavior, react to injuries, or dispel the false narratives victims are gaslit into believing.
Peer support disrupts the echo chamber of manipulation and shame that abusers create.
safe, secure delivery & access
Whether the user wants to leave their partner, stay in their relationship, or recover after leaving, Underground Moves serves survivors wherever they are in their journey. The Underground Moves user can access peer support in person or virtually. Delivery is always discreet and secure to ensure the safety of users.
domestic violence support groups
Curated by survivors, for survivors, Underground Moves provides domestic violence support groups and peer-to-peer guidance, as well as other essential services designed to illuminate and transcend the darkest of journeys.
direct survivor solutions
Unchecked domestic violence has a heavy human, social, economic, and workplace cost. Let Underground Moves simplify this complex topic through training, education, and the delivery of a secure platform where survivors can access domestic violence support groups and more services.
beyond domestic violence support groups
The Underground Moves team is comprised of survivors who identified that the workplace presented a unique opportunity to save lives and help organizations facilitate safer, more productive environments. Learn more about our credentials and mission.