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what is the definition of domestic violence, and is it the same as intimate partner violence?

Domestic violence (DV) or intimate partner violence (IPV)is a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship used by a partner to control and intimidate their intimate partner. The abuse exerted can be physical, sexual, psychological, financial, and technological.

what is the definition of coercive control?

Coercive control is a pattern of actions that perpetrators use to control and influence their victim’s behaviors. Tactics like humiliation, isolation, stalking, and limiting resources strip the victim of selfhood and free will so that they will submit. Largely a psychological strategy, coercive control is nuanced and can be difficult to recognize.

Unlike domestic violence, there are no federal laws to prosecute coercive control. However, some states have enacted laws to criminalize it.

do you provide EAP training?

Absolutely. Every organization that purchases Underground Moves for their workplace will get customized on-site training and onboarding designed specifically for your needs and infrastructure.

how does my employee receive these services?

Due to the nature of domestic violence, the access and delivery of our services must remain known only to the user and invisible to everyone else.

  • direct survivor solutions

    Unchecked domestic violence has a heavy human, social, economic, and workplace cost. Let Underground Moves simplify this complex topic through education, the delivery of EAP training, and a secure platform where survivors can access impactful services and resources.

  • beyond EAP training

    The Underground Moves team is comprised of survivors who identified that the workplace presented a unique opportunity to save lives and help organizations facilitate safer, more productive environments. Learn more about our credentials and mission.