recognizing the signs of domestic violence
While the list below details common markers of domestic violence, every survivor and circumstance is different, and they may not exhibit all of the behaviors or patterns you will find here.
1. Overly apologetic, saying, “I’m sorry.” For no reason.
2. Poor self-esteem and self-worth. Not making eye contact.
3. Frequent absences from work or medical leave.
4. Showing up late to work or leaving early.
5. Visibly exhausted and distracted.
6. Staying at work longer than necessary, asking for extra hours to spend more time at work
7. Injuries that are consistent with human violence include marks on the neck, wrists, or arms, busted lips, black eyes, small burns, broken noses, and sprains. The explanations provided are often implausible or don’t add up.
8. Changes in makeup or wearing winter clothes in summer.
9. Quality of work and job performance decreases.
10. More reserved or private.
11. Demonstrates symptoms of depression: not socializing, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite or weight, seeming absent and disinterested.
12. Suddenly shows signs of abusing substances.
recognizing the signs of coercive control:
1. Receives excessive calls and texts/checks their phone constantly.
2. Partner shows up unannounced at the workplace, company parking lot, or nearby locations.
3. The individual feels asking for permission to do normal activities is necessary. 4. Limited access to finances.
5. Limited access to a vehicle or transportation.
6. Not in touch with family or friends/isolated.
7. Partner frequently sends flowers or gifts to the workplace.
8. Partner has an unusual influence over the employee's work schedule and social activities.
9. Tracking devices on individual’s car or phone. Sometimes disguised as care and concern.
10.The individual has the majority of home and childcare responsibilities.